London Congestion Charge? Who wants it?
Well, it seems no one, of course.The latest London Mayoral edict will continue to penalise those with cars emitting the most CO2 emissions.Some residential rights to a discounted rate of charge will go in October this year.A pity really. Some vehicleswill attract a £25 a time charge.Many others with emissions between 121g/km and 225g/km will continue to pay the standard charge of £8.
So what is the headline ,in this change to an emission-based charging system? The message is join the club as owner of a sub-120g/km car to escape the congestion charge. Car manufacturers are falling over themselves to provide cars which emit CO2 below the 120 g/km threshold.
There are Fiats,BMWs and Minis,Citroens,Toyotas,Peugeots, and 31 Renaults, and others, that come below the 'bar' set at 120g/km.There is a choice. The Green Car Guide has it sussed. For a list of all the cars currently emitting 120g/km or less you can go to the Green Car Guide by clicking here.
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