Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Air Cars-so much hot air?Or what?

Cars that run on a few pence worth of compressed air, and with zero emissions? You bet.
Guy Negre, a former F1 engineer has spent many years in his Air Car Factories developing for commercial use ,a car that can travel at around 80 mph for 200 km on a 3 minute 'fill-up' of compressed air costing about £1.50. According to BBC News reports the vehicle with fibre glass body actually works, though it needs some refinements yet to make it look and sound 'normal'.With investment from Indian giant conglomerate Tata, the air car could be on sale next year in certain markets,at a price equivalent to £2,500.That sounds a good deal,even if the vehicle's use may be more suited and limited to city and suburban motoring rather than long distance travelling.

Vehicles powered by compressed are not new.The first were around over 100 years ago.However,it seems the technology became a victim of the oft common deterrent to developing propulsion without petrol based fuels,the vested interests of the oil industry which probably were responsible for an air car not being developed for commercial production before now.

Though the air car may now have its time, and a place as one of the emerging technologies to combat the rate of climate change,it has to find acceptability both in practical distribution and as a driving experience.The petrol engine may not be seriously unchalleged for a while yet,but keep a sharp watch out!

If you would like to know more click here for a BBC News article and video, and for the MDI website click here.


MDI legal department said...


Following serious commercial misconducts from Mr. Miguel Celades, MDI had to officially stop all relationships with him since 3rd February 2008.

Any reference by Mr Miguel CELADES and/or his companies Motor de Aire Comprimido S.L. and Air Cars Factories SL and/or his websites motordeaire . com and theaircar .com , whether directly or indirectly to construction or sales of compressed air engines and/or vehicles using this technology in relation with MDI Motor Development International constitutes serious charges of unfair competition and fraud.

Mr Miguel CELADES, former MDI agent in Spain and Spanish-speaking countries, is attempting to use the goodwill and success of MDI in order to mislead potential investors for his own benefit.

The only official web site of MDI is:

MDI's legal department

CFM Services said...

Thank you and noted.