Tackling Climate Change Will Not Cost The Earth
This is the headline message according to BBC reports from the UN climate change conference (a session of the IPCC)currently being held in Bangkok.
So, having been assured by an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in February, that human activity is largely responsible for climate change, we are now being re-assured that the human race has choices in its future activities which can tackle the worst effects of this change.
Holding the concentration of CO2 emissions at an acceptable level can be achieved at a reasonable cost to the world economy. More information...
We have no excuse. Appropriate action now can save our global environment. There are the changes to be made by consumers,generators of energy,the procurers of nuclear weapons, and other identified sector influencers named in the IPCC reports. Technology though is not seen as the full answer.There must also be more incentives for people to restrict their activities to those that produce the least greenhouse gas emissions.
low emission cars have a role to play in the brighter and more certain future.
We all must encourage the motor manufacturers and designers to produce the cars that we can all enjoy to drive and know they will not be hastening climate change.The fuel and engine technologists are also working to significantly reduce harmful gas emissions.The future is looking better.
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