Friday, 22 May 2009

CAP records more low emission cars than ever to choose from in the UK

According to CAP ,data provider experts mainly to the motor retail and hire industry, the rush to make greener 'cleaner' cars continues to hot-up, with a record 653 new car variants brought to market in April. This was the highest number ever reported by CAP for a single month. During the first four months of 2009, a record 1,487 new cars have been added.

David Saville, NVD Quality Control Supervisor, said: “This is the highest volume of new variants ever added in a month. At the core of all these new variants appears to be the race to reduce CO2 as manufacturers seek to benefit from new tax rules in the company car market and attract private customers who wish to avoid punitively high VED rates." It seems the drive to provide stronger value for money, and the introduction of more stop/start technology particularly by Volvo and Audi,is responsible for the unprecedented increase in new car variants.

Taking the automotive industry as whole,to include vans,trucks,and motorcycles, new variants came in at 5,482 for the first four months of the year.By comparison,in 2003,just 5,096 new variants were recorded for the whole of that year.

This has got to be a great time to go out there and buy a low emission car that suits both your style and pocket.

CAP describes itself as the premier supplier of independent benchmark data to the automotive industry.
For further detail on the work of CAP click here

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