Monday, 29 December 2008

Ford given Greenest Car Manufacturer of the Year Award 2008 by

Over the last year,one manufacturer has, according to the Green-Car-Guide, stood above the rest by giving us cars that look good,drive well,and can squeeze the extra mileage out of  one gallon of fuel. Perhaps, most importantly in the current  economic climate, this manufacturer's cars are affordable.

Ford has many low emission models to choose from anyway,but during a year that included record oil prices and concern about CO2 emissions, Ford has made a special effort to give us energy-efficient models.

Let's leave the last word to the Green-Car-Guide: "Hooray to Ford - and the Season's Greetings to all our visitors! Despite oil prices coming down, the issue of CO2 emissions will not go away in 2009. So keep on top of the latest low emission cars next year, keep visiting

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