Is the bio-fuel solution just a green fantasy?
In this week's issue of Autocar, it is reported that world consumption of oil is currently running at 1,000 barrels a second.By 2030,this consumption rate is expected to have increased by a further 70%! Clearly, with oil supplies dwindling and the rate of climate change causing almost universal concern, something will have to happen to prevent environmental and economic disaster on a global scale.
Do bio-fuels offer a credible solution? You've got to hope they will provide one of several sustainable solutions to divert catastrophe.
Autocar further reports General Motors boss, Rick Wagoner, as saying at the Detroit Motor Show that his firm is supporting an American company which reckons it can turn almost anything into ethanol to fuel cars.The technology is so close to full development that car grade ethanol ,from most waste materials, like old rubber and plastic,agricultural waste, and so on, could be in production in three years'time.Current cars can be easily converted to using bio-fuels.This could take the heat off bio-fuels, currently seen as potentially taking the food out of people's mouths, with its great appetite in production for grains.
Bio Power
Another business that has nailed its colours firmly to the mast of the bio-fuels tanker,so to speak,is the Saab Motor Company.Covered here before (See lec at Friday,March 30,2007), the BioPower hybrid (seen above)has many high profile celebrity fans including Sir Richard Branson who owns one.
The use of bio-fuels as a significant part of the total solution to the problem of CO2 emissions and imminent energy shortages now seems far from green fantasy.
...and before I close this...on the subject of Green Myths
Quentin Willson, motoring correspondent, presenter and outspoken social commentator examines green motoring and the current myths that surround the topic. Quentin explains why he believes that :
- bio-fuels are in fact a stepping stone to a longer-term goal
- the biggest threat to green motoring is confusion and misinformation
- the UK Government must take most of the responsibility for car buying habit
The full interview with Quentin Willson can be read here. This is the third of ‘The BioPower Interviews’, the first two being with Sir Richard Branson and Kevin McCloud who are both high-profile Saab BioPower drivers.
For the Autocar site you can click here
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