DfT Acts On Co2
Today sees the launch of the ActOnCO2 government (Department for Transport) website designed to give car buyers on-line data on the lowest CO2 emission cars available on the market.This site at
www.dft.gov.uk/ActOnCO2 provides a listing of the lowest CO2 rated cars in each of the What Car? defined categories provided.This is tied into a colour-coded new car labelling scheme introduced in July 2005.The message being reinforced is low emissions equals low cost motoring, as a general rule.The information provided is in easily read tabular form for each car category ,and is derived from easy drop-down lists.You have to know what you are looking-for in type of car.It is not the most visually appealing presentation.
Sources of easily accessed information to cut down CO2 emissions are always to be welcomed, whether people will flock to use this particular facility only time will tell.There is a danger of information overload today, and as with all communications it is not always what is said that is paramount but what is actually heard by the target audience.
Overall,the site promotes sensible new car buying combined with a drive for smarter motoring - Smarter Driving Tips
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