Environmentally-friendly F1 racing.What on earth is going on?
This does seem a contradiction in terms ,with roaring monsters hurtling round a racing circiut, belching out all those harmful emissions ,and using-up fuel at an alarming rate.Well some things are changing at Honda Racing."We're not saying F1 is 'green',"says John Kingston,Environment Manager, Honda(UK)."But the fans can really make a difference.If just one per cent of the people who watch F1 were to change one light bulb for an energy saving one,this would save 38,000 tonnes of CO2- the same amount of carbon emissions produced by the Honda Racing F1 team over three seasons."
So what on earth are they actually doing to help protect the planet? Well, apart from Honda constantly striving to be innovative in its technolology and its thinking-it is at the forefront of developing a hydrogen fuel cell car-it is actively encouraging fans,sponsors,customers and members of the public to help address global environmental issues.But how...?
Honda are replacing the traditional advertising and sponsorship logos, which for so long have bedecked F1 racing cars. Instead the new Honda RA107 F1 car will have as its complete livery an image of the earth to be built-up of pixels,each pixel to be the name of a member of the public who has pledged to improve the environment by a change in lifestyle and also donate to an environmental charity. This practical and exciting new concept is supported by Honda's existing partners ,who are being joined for the 2007 season by by other leading global brands,including e.g.IBM and Fila.
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