The Great Global Warming DebateAn upcoming C4 ITV programme(9pm on Thursday,8th March)would have you believe that the above headline should read:
The Great Global Warming Swindle - the title of the piece.It would seem the programme's conclusion will brook no argument : The whole movement to ward-off a cataclysmic change in the earth's climate, by seeking to radically reduce the man-made emissions of CO2, is nothing more than a bullying tactic by a bunch of oddballs fronting a global-warming industry.
Let's wait and hear what the programme's makers have to say. For me ,there is a real possibility of the planet's environment being completely ruined by the human race,though probably not in my lifetime.However, what is more worrying and beyond doubt (I don't have to be a scientist to make a valid point on this) is what is happening as a result of human activities here and now, on earth. In China, there are many suburbs of cities and townships where the daily existence for many is a gasping and painful existence much like some English cities of the 19th century Industrial Revolution; or of Pittsburgh ,in the early 20th century ,with its coal and steel industries which generated the choking smog causing the street lights to be turned on at just turned midday every day. Those city workers that could afford a shirt often changed it twice a day, such was the grime in the air.In the UK,quite recently, the provisions of the Clean Air Acts of 1956 and 1968 helped drive away the frequent and appalling city smogs,and so greatly improving air quality. Another example ,is the vastly improving air quality, and therefore quality of life, in Los Angeles, California, where until recently the fug hanging over the city's rush hour traffic was appalling. Man-made pollution is a sufficient scourge to be kept at bay. Unnecessary depletion and waste of natural resources are also to be deplored. We are running out of fossil fuels for energy.What happens next, if we do not have adequate alternative provision?
Climate change resulting from man-made degradation of the earth's environment has to be prevented.And low emission cars supports any steps to reduce carbon emissions.The near quarter of all CO2 emitted in the UK by our motor vehicles
is contributing to a desperate situation facing the earth in the long run. Improved air quality and sustainability of energy supplies are in themselves imperatives, and essential for the tolerable future existence of all peoples throughout the world.
Will the C4 programme turn-up real evidence in support of the contention that the 'greening'of motoring,for instance, is a waste of time, and somehow a front for unworthy causes? The recent widely supported Stern report suggests this is unlikely. However,what would be a tragedy is if a theory about the Sun and its changing effect on our climate, should of itself provide an excuse to those political or commercial interests who, for short term gain,or through apathy,will cause a reversal of the trend of continuing to introduce improvements and greater efficiencies in the use of scarce resources,in waste disposal ,and in reducing environmental pollution. Whose vested interests are vying to hold sway now?
More to follow in later posts, after next Thursday.
Oh,and please don't forget
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