Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cause Climate Change: And It's Humans Wot Dunnit. Official.
Nothing new, you might say. Well, it is being said by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which has reported its summary conclusions, including the 90% certainty that human activities are responsible for recent global warming, and will be for further increases in temperature predicted during the rest of this century. For more see IPCC report...
The IPCC have long been 'banging-on' about the damage being caused to the environment. But in 2001, they were apparently only 66% sure it was us that were authoring our own destiny.
This is a wake-up call. Greenpeace call it a 'screaming siren'.
So now everyone is taking notice, as Arctic icebergs melt at an unprecedented rate.
But let's do something. Now. Reducing CO2 emissions from cars must be a top priority. It is technologically and economically viable. Go for it ,when you are thinking of changing your car,
consider a more environmentally friendly one. For help with the choices of car currently available in the UK you can go to the Green Car Guide now.
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